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We all love some statistics and what better statistics to study than those relating to additions, removals and total content on Canadian Netflix. So, scroll down to see a handful of graphs and charts showing how the content has changed over the last 13 months as well as some more general statistics like how many titles in each genre.



A 'title' is classed as either a single film, or a complete series. E.g. all 5 seasons of Breaking Bad is classed as a single 'title' in these charts.


The graphs on this page are powered by the fantastic RGraph: Free 2D/3D HTML5 Charts That Get You Noticed


Historical Statistics
Monthly +/- Monthly Net Totals

General Statistics
Per Genre Per Year Per Rating Removal Age

Historical Statistics

The charts below use historical data to show the changes in data over the last 13 months. Note that the values for 'Sep 24' will be incomplete until the end of the month.


Monthly additions and removals:

A simple chart comparing the number of removals per month (red) and number of additions (green) per month.


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Monthly net increase/decrease:

A chart showing the net change per month of the total number of titles avaialble on Netflix Canada.


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Total available titles over time:

A line chart showing the change in total number of titles available on Canadian Netflix over the last 13 months.


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General Statistics

The statistics and charts below are based on 'live' data rather than historical data. I just felt that showing this amount of data over time would be a bit OTT....


Titles per Genre:

This chart shows the number of titles per genre. Remember that a 'title' is classed as either a single film, or a complete series. E.g. all 5 seasons (62 episodes) of Breaking Bad is classed as a single 'title' in these charts.


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Titles per Release Year:

This chart shows the release year of each title available on Netflix Canada. For series, the most recent series year is used.


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Titles per Rating:

This chart shows the the number of titles per rating on Canadian Netflix. The rating is a conglomerate of the title's IMDB rating and the Netflix rating.


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Age (in months) on Removal:

How long were titles available before they were removed? This graph shows the frequency of each age, in months, that titles were available before being removed. Note that I only have data from titles added since August 2013.


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A project by MaFt

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For posts announcing new additions, removals and expiry dates please follow NewOnNetflixCA_ on Twitter or Facebook. They are only posted between 8am and 10pm Eastern time so they shouldn't be missed while you sleep.